Tech is the leading science and technology institution of the Commonwealth
of Virginia. The university links basic research in the natural
and social sciences and engineering to applications in the service
of public safety and social protection.
Tech has broad, multidisciplinary capability and experience in natural
and technological disaster management. In the geological sciences
the University supports the Virginia Tech Seismological Observatory
and the Center for Water Resources Research. In engineering the
university supports the Center for Environmental and Hazardous Materials
Studies, and Virginia Tech is the lead institution for the Wind
Hazard Mitigation Consortium, an organization of 10 U.S. research
universities active in wind engineering research. Issues of critical
infrastructure protection are addressed in the work of the Virginia
Tech Center for Transportation Research, the Center for Power Engineering
and the Center for Wireless Telecommunications. Associated with
the University is the Waste Policy Institute which assists the De-partment
of Energy in the management of hazar-dous waste materials. Scientific
and technical re-search findings are translated into meaningful
po-licy consideration through the work of the Center for Public
Administration and Policy and the Center for Housing Research. Research
applications, training and outreach related to international development
are supported and coordinated at the University by the Office of
International Research and Deve-lopment. The Virginia Cooperative
Extension Service has also played an active role in disaster damage
assessment and public information for disaster mitigation, preparedness
and response in Virginia.
Tech Seismological Observatory
The Virginia Tech Seismological Observatory maintains a seismic
instrumentation array in Virginia and is a primary center for the
study of the seismicity of the southeastern United States. The Observatory
has prepared seismic risk maps for the Common-wealth and the region
as well as detailed studies of historical seismicity.
Center for Water Resources
The Center for Water Resources has evaluated the flood hazard throughout
the Commonwealth and has been instrumental in the evaluation of
mitigation techniques and risk reduction measures associated with
flood insurance.
Center for Environmental and Hazardous Materials Studies
The Center for Environmental and Hazadardous Ma-terials Studies
has taken a leading role in environmental hazard assessment and
environmental remediation. The Center has also contributed to environ-mental
hazard awareness and risk communication.
for Energy and the Global Environment (CEAGE)
CEAGE combines the resources of faculty members and students from
six departments at Virginia Tech to address global problems of energy
and sustainable developement. Research activities are currently
focused on global warming resulting from the use of fossil fuels
for power generation and transportation. Consequences of climate
change and changing patterns of risk are also considered by the
a land grant university Virginia Tech has extensive experience in
technology transfer related to local and regional economic and social
Virginia Tech Center for Transportation Research
The Virginia Tech Center for Transportation Research is leading
cutting edge research in highway transportation safety related to
the "Smart Road" re-search facility. The Center has pioneered
the development of post-disaster traffic management and control
Institute for Critical National Infrastructures
The International Institute for Critical National Infrastructures
is a multi-national, multi-university consortium to bring about
integrated development of the three critical infrastructures: electric
power networks, communications networks and computer networks which
are essential for the functioning of modern societies. The institute
has initiated research on assessment, control and restoration of
the electric power grid following catastrophic disturbances and
on innovative technologies for defense against catastrophic failures
of complex interactive power networks. The founding members of the
Institute are Virginia Tech, Institut National Polytechnique de
Grenoble, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong Polytechnic and EnerSearch,
Center for Wireless Telecommunications
The Center for Wireless Telecommunications combines the development
of new telecommunications technology with the analysis of regulatory
business consequences. The Center is currently managing the development
of LMDS based systems in Southwestern Virginia and the development
of Disaster Management Information Systems for disaster response
and mitigation.
Center for Public Administration and Policy
Faculty members of the Center for Public Admini-stration and Policy
have led key policy review for the Federal Emergency Management
Agency and carried out research on the structure of organi-zations
tasked with emergency response responsibilities.
Waste Policy Institute
The Waste Policy Institute is associated with the University in
the Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center. The Institute plays
a major role in environmental remediation and public safety related
to the nuclear energy and weapons industries.
Financial Risk Management Center (FRMC)
FRMC is a center of the Department of Finance of the Pamplin College
of Business at Virginia Tech. The center provides a source of timely
scholarly research and education on major issues related to the
global market for derivatives, including futures, forwards, swaps
and options. In both research and education the center's activities
bring together leaders from academe, government and business to
address key issues and problems associated with financial risk.
Securetization of risk is a topic of critical importance to disaster
risk management.
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